Welcome to the BPC Militaria site
My name is David Butler and I am a collector of Australian Militaria and my interests, at present, are concentrated around:
- Australian Army Badges from Pre Fed to current
- Australian Army Patches (both official and unofficial)
- Australian Army Challenge Coins
- Australian Military Buttons.
My interest has been from my time in the ADF, first joining the Army Reserve at 2/14LHR (QMI) in 1989 and the ARA in Oct 1992, serving in the RAAC and RAEME since then, and have deployed to East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan.
This site, BPC Militaria (Australian Military Insignia), was raised by myself and my father in order to sell those items we were not prepared to sell on our other site: Colourpatch.com.au (The Australian Military Patches Web site).
To avoid any possible confusion with some similar or like items, we purposely retained the Colourpatch site for the sale of current/ new UCPs and USPs etc., direct from the Authorised Manufacturer, whereas this site is for the sale of badges, patches, coins and other Militaria items that have passed through the hands of at least one collector/dealer.
We are located in the Brisbane area and, prior to raising this site, have been buying, selling and trading militaria items since early 2001 at local Arms & Militaria Fairs, offering a range of items similar to items seen on this site.
We consider that our prices are competitive with those realized at the various major auctions and, in many cases, on eBay (where we list items using ID. bpcmilitaria …though originally as AGB18482 ).
We offer a full money back guarantee on any incorrectly described item once returned.
This site, as well as theColour Patch Site , will be updated on a regular basis, subject to the availability and acquisition of merchandise relative to these sites.
We can be contacted as follows:
ACN Number:
643 273 223
Call Us Now
David Butler
Mobile: 04 0284 2826
Arthur Butler
Mobile: 04 5890 2960
Domestic Post $5.50 Registered Post International Post $25
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